Response 410772366

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Rangi Brown

Chapter 2: Revitalising citizen-led democracy

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 1

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Council decisions should be made by the elected Mayor and elected Councillors (only).
The mayor and councillors should be elected by the people that pay for the service. ie the ratepayers. Each person paying a full council rate should get one vote. If you dont pay rates, you dont get a vote

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 2

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Yes, laws need to be changed, so that Council decisions should be made by the elected Mayor and elected Councillors (only).
The mayor and councillors should be elected by the people that pay for the service. ie the ratepayers. Each person paying a full council rate should get one vote. If you dont pay rates, you dont get a vote

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 3

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What does "engage" mean?
The mayor and councillors can consult and engage with they who they like, but the mayor and the councillors should make the decisions alone based on the desires of the RATEPAYERS.

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 4

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I would prefer that the council put more effort into engaging with and understanding the RATEPAYERS

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 5

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The RATEPAYER should be in control of the way the council operates. They should not be paying for stuff outside of delivering core services

Question: What might we do more of to increase community understanding about the role of local government, and therefore lead to greater civic participation?

Type your comments below.
Its the ratepayers the council needs to listen to. Not kids.

Do you have any further feedback on Chapter 2: Revitalizing citizen-led democracy?

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Not a very good set of recommendation is it!
You need to start again by thinking about who you serve, and thats the ratepayers

Chapter 3: A Tiriti-based partnership between Māori and local government

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 6

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Thats irrelevant

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 7

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Ratepayers should be the only governors

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 8

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We seek your feedback on Recommendation 9

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This is just meaningless waffle

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 10

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Why? what are you trying to achieve? Just employ the best workers

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 11

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Waste of money

Do you have any further feedback on Chapter 3: A Tiriti-based partnership between Māori and local government?

Tell us your suggestions.
ignore it

Chapter 4: Allocating roles and functions in a way that enhances local wellbeing

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 12

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Its totally unclear what change is being proposed

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 13

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This is just word salad

Questions: What process would need to be created to support and agree on the allocation of roles and functions across central government, local government, and communities?

Type your comments below.
Lets start by getting the Mayor and Councillors to take the actions that their ratepayers desire.

What conditions will need to be in place to ensure the flexibility of the approach proposed does not create confusion or unnecessary uncertainty?

Type your comments below.
Mayor and Councillors should answer to the ratepayers. No-one else, including central government

What additional principles, if any, need to be considered?

Type your comments below.
Dont understand what you are talking about here.
"The process for allocating of roles and functions should be underpinned by te ao Māori values." that statement is nonsense. Why? There is no reason at all

Chapter 5: Local government as champion and activator of wellbeing

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 14

1. Lead, facilitate and support innovation and experimentation in achieving greater social, economic, cultural, and environmental wellbeing outcomes?
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Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
2. Build relational, partnering, innovation and co-design capability and capacity across their whole organisation?
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Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
3. Embed social/progressive procurement and supplier diversity as standard practice in local government with nationally supported organisational infrastructure and capability and capacity building?
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Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
4. Review their levers and assets from an equity and wellbeing perspective and identify opportunities for strategic and transformational initiatives?
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Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
5. Take on the anchor institution role initially through demonstration initiatives with targeted resources and peer support?
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Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Ticked Not sure
6. Share the learning and emerging practice from innovation and experimentation of their enhanced wellbeing role?
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Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Ticked Not sure
Do you have any comments?
Most of that they should be doing now in any case
"social/progressive procurement and supplier diversity" - this is just meaningless waffle.
Procurement and supply needs to be on quality and cost, in order to meet the needs of ratepayers

Questions: What feedback do you have on the roles councils can play to enhance intergenerational wellbeing?

Type your comments below.
This is just waffle. What actual change is proposed?

Chapter 6: A stronger relationship between central and local government

Questions: Tell us your thoughts on building on current strengths and resources.

1. The conditions for success, and what are the barriers that are preventing strong relationships?
Central government already impose too many statutory obligations on councils. Need to let councils govern themselves more, answering to the RATEPAYERS.

How can central and local government explore options that empower and enable a role for hapū/iwi in local governance in partnership with local and central government? These options should recognise the contribution of hapū/iwi rangatiratanga, kaitiakitanga and other roles.

Type your comments below.
"These options should recognise the contribution of hapū/iwi rangatiratanga, kaitiakitanga and other roles"

How can a government put stuff like this in a consultative document? Noone has a clue what you are talking about

Chapter 7: Replenishing and building on representative democracy

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 15

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Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
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"initiatives to promote diversity of candidates" What has this to do with central government? They should advocating for the most skilled candidates.
As for the rest of the proposals, these are just solutions in search of a problem. What is the logic and business case for this, what will be achieved?

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 16

1. Adopt Single Transferrable Vote as the voting method in council elections?
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Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
2. Lower the eligible voting age in local body elections to the age of 16?
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Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
3. Provide for a 4-year local electoral term?
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Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
4. Amend the employment provisions of chief executives to match those in the wider public sector, and include mechanisms to assist in managing the employment relationship?
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Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Ticked Not sure
Do you have any comments?
The only people voting should be ratepayers. One vote for each full rate paid.
The current system already has more people voting than are paying the rates. The tail is already wagging the dog. Give the sole votes to RATEPAYERS

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 17

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Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
Do you have any comments?
Who is going to fund it? Councils are already bloated and spending too much on salaries.
We need to reduce bureaucracy and expense , not increase it! Mayor and Councillors should be chosen from full RATEPAYERS only

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 18

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Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
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Dont agree with a mandatory programme. Again, who is funding it?

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 19

1. Support and enable councils to undertake regular health checks of their democratic performance?
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Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
2. Develop guidance and mechanisms to support councils resolving complaints under their code of conduct and explore a specific option for local government to refer complaints to an independent investigation process, conducted and led by a national organisation?
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Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
3. Subject to the findings of current relevant ombudsman’s investigations, assess whether the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and how it is being applied, support high standards of openness and transparency?
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Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
Do you have any comments?
Im rather scared this will increase bureaucracy and cost, for no benefit

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 20

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Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
Do you have any comments?
Maori wards should not exist.
Ratepayers (only) should be voting. No racial selection needs to be brought into it

Chapter 8: Building an equitable, sustainable funding and financing system

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 21

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Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Ticked Not sure
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Its just waffle. how can we say whether we want that or not?

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 22

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Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Ticked Not sure
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Its as clear as mud

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 23

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Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
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Most likely a huge bureaucratics and expensive operation, for no gain.

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 24

1. Enable councils to introduce new funding mechanisms?
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Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
2. Retain rating as the principal mechanism for funding local government, while simplifying long-term planning and rating provisions to allow a more holistic and responsive process?
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Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Ticked Not sure
Do you have any comments?
The Rating system is not sharing the load wide enough. Its not income related, as is Income tax. Its very unjust.
I support initiatives to reduce or remove the rating system

Chapter 10: System stewardship and support

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 29

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Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Not sure
Do you have any comments?
Iwi and Hapu dont have any responsibility for stewardship. Leave this is to the elected reps

Questions: How can system stewardship be reimagined so that it is led across local government, hapū/iwi, and central government?

Type your comments below.
Reimagine it so only elected reps have a stewardship role

How do we embed Te Tiriti in local government system stewardship?

Type your comments below.
We dont need a partnership. We need to answer to RATEPAYERS betterr

Chapter 11: The pathway forward

Do you have any feedback on Chapter 11: The pathway forward?

Type your comments below.
Come up with proposals that do not include race, and which increase effectiveness whilst reducing costs

Final comments and supporting documents

If you have any final comments about what we have outlined in our draft report, please share these:

Type your comments below.
Im not impresse with these proposals, which dont offer better democracy or accountabilty. We dont need racial heritage brought into government, our county is full of people with wide diversity of origin, with many recent immigrants. These proposals largely ignore their needs