Response 383205968

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Chapter 2: Revitalising citizen-led democracy

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Too much tail wagging the a democracy everyone should be equal...moari have become the dominate race and this is not good for society...everyone should be treated the same

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 2

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Central government are pushing stupid ideas to our areas...

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 3

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This isn't democracy...shouldn't have race based policy

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 4

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Should be with all people..moari only is not a good policy

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 5

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Once favoring one race...

Question: What might we do more of to increase community understanding about the role of local government, and therefore lead to greater civic participation?

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Start being accountable...if you are failing time to try a new approach...

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Citizen lead democracy should be equally for all are creating two groups based on race...

Chapter 3: A Tiriti-based partnership between Māori and local government

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 6

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You are creating an undemocratic process favoring one race...this is not cool

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 7

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This is a bad policy boarding on racism

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 8

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Not important...bigger fish to fry...time to think about nz for all nzers

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 9

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This is a race based policy...undemocratic as well

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 10

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Should partner with all...

We seek your feedback on Recommendation 11

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Seriously need to focus on the real issues...not catering to undemocratic and rasict policies

Do you have any further feedback on Chapter 3: A Tiriti-based partnership between Māori and local government?

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Need to stop focusing on moari.. nz is made up of so many different races..