10 results
Submissions to the Review into the Future for Local Government
On 23 April 2021 the Minister of Local Government (the Minister) established a Review into the Future for Local Government (the Review). Purpose and scope The traditional roles and functions of local government are in the process of changing. The work programmes the Government is advancing to overhaul the three waters sector and the resource management system are foremost among a suite of reform programmes that will reshape our... MoreClosed 28 February 2023 -
Share to prepare - Samoan
The power of sharing It’s really important we hear from people like you; people who experienced the events or have something to share. Share your experiences by using our online survey. What will happen with this information? The Government has established an independent Inquiry to look at the preparedness and response activities of local and central governments; the communities and businesses who were disproportionately impacted; the support provided by iwi; and... MoreClosed 15 December 2023 -
Share to prepare - Simplified Chinese
The power of sharing It’s really important we hear from people like you; people who experienced the events or have something to share. Share your experiences by using our online survey. What will happen with this information? The Government has established an independent Inquiry to look at the preparedness and response activities of local and central governments; the communities and businesses who were disproportionately impacted; the support provided by iwi;... MoreClosed 15 December 2023 -
Share to prepare - Hindi
The power of sharing It’s really important we hear from people like you; people who experienced the events or have something to share. Share your experiences by using our online survey. What will happen with this information? The Government has established an independent Inquiry to look at the preparedness and response activities of local and central governments; the communities and businesses who were disproportionately impacted; the support provided by iwi; and... MoreClosed 15 December 2023 -
Share a report
Closed 15 December 2023 -
Share to prepare
The power of sharing It’s really important we hear from people like you; people who experienced the events or have something to share. Share your experiences by using our online survey. Here is a copy of the questions so you can think about your responses beforehand. What will happen with this information? The Government has established an independent inquiry to look at the preparedness and response activities of local and central governments; the communities... MoreClosed 15 December 2023 -
A simplified version of the survey is available in te reo in Māori, Samoan, Simplified Chinese and Hindi. You can fill out the survey form in other languages at the links below. Online translation tools, such as Google Translate, may be used to translate written submissions in other languages. Information contained in those submissions may be shared anonymously with online translation tools for that purpose. MoreClosed 15 December 2023 -
Group discussions
The Government has set up an inquiry to find out more about what happened during the severe weather events earlier this year. Share to prepare offers a way for groups of people to come together and share their stories and experiences of the weather events that affected them, their families and communities. Here we share information for those people who will be leading discussions and submitting responses on how to host a community group or organisation discussion. It takes you step by... MoreClosed 15 December 2023 -
Share to prepare - easy read
This information is also available to download as a Word document or as a PDF. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this site. This site uses simple language and formatting, can be zoomed in up to 200% without spilling off the screen, and can be listened to using a screen reader. What is the North Island Severe Weather Events Inquiry? This information is about the North Island Severe Weather Events Inquiry. These events were: Cyclone Hale; Cyclone Gabrielle; and... MoreClosed 15 December 2023 -
Share to prepare - Te reo Māori
Tukua mai ō wheako ki te uiui ā-tuihono. Anei tētahi tārua o ngā pātai hei whakaaroaro māhau i mua o te whakautu. Ka tiakina e mātou tō tūmataititanga Kei te mārama mātou tērā pea kei te mata tonu ngā whakaaro me ngā pānga o aua āhuatanga ki ētahi. E kī taurangi ana mātou mā mātou e tiaki āu kōrero. E kore mātou e tuku i āu kōrero ki te iwi tūmatanui ki te kore koe e whakaae. Ngā mihi Kua tuwhera kē ngā tāpaetanga, ā, ka kati hei te 15 ... MoreClosed 15 December 2023
10 results.
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